Powered Manned Flight
Orville and Wilbur Wright
17th December 1903
Accredited World Origin Site
WOS0004 17th December 2023
Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, NC,
27948, USA

Landmark Inventions
Life-changing Discoveries
World Firsts

Landmark Inventions
Life-changing Discoveries
World Firsts

What is a World Origin Site?
A World Origin Site is somewhere completely unique. It marks the place, people and moment when something truly ground-breaking was invented, discovered or first used.
This includes where and when some of our most famous brands, familiar products and global companies originated.
Only one place on the planet can ever lay claim to these landmark moments in the development of our modern world.
World Origin Site .Org has been created to record, recognise and celebrate these sites whether they are marked by a monument, museum or are just a humble house, shed or street corner. Every World Origin Site matters.
What is a World Origin Site?
A World Origin Site is somewhere completely unique. It marks the place, people and moment when something truly ground-breaking was invented, discovered or first used.
This includes where and when some of our most famous brands, familiar products and global companies originated.
Only one place on the planet can ever lay claim to these landmark moments in the development of our modern world.
World Origin Site has been created to record, recognise and celebrate these sites whether they are marked by a monument, museum or are just a humble house, shed or street corner. Every World Origin Site matters.

The first three WOS plaques to be awarded.

Becoming an Accredited World Origin Site:
World Origin Site .Org is a registered Certification Mark approved by the UK Government Intellectual Property Office and Trade Marks Registry.
Sites awarded World Origin Site status can use the Certification Mark in the same way that a CE Mark or Fairtrade Logo is applied.
Being Accredited as a World Origin Site establishes your location as the proven site of an Invention, Discovery or World First.
Being awarded World Origin Site status can be used to raise your site’s profile in terms of publicity and promotion.
Using the World Origin Site logo and commemorative plaque tells your story simply and effectively.
If you are a World Origin Site then you are unique – we help you tell the world about it.
Becoming an Accredited World Origin Site:
World Origin Site .Org is a registered Certification Mark approved by the UK Government Intellectual Property Office and Trade Marks Registry.
Sites awarded World Origin Site status can use the Certification Mark in the same way that a CE Mark or Fairtrade Logo is applied.
Being Accredited as a World Origin Site establishes your location as the proven site of an Invention, Discovery or World First.
Being awarded World Origin Site status can be used to raise your site’s profile in terms of publicity and promotion.
Using the World Origin Site logo and commemorative plaque tells your story simply and effectively.
If you are a World Origin Site then you are unique – we help you tell the world about it.

The Tank Room Accredited – White Hart, Lincoln
In the middle of Lincoln’s old city centre is the White Hart Hotel a substantial, elegant establishment that holds a unique place in the story of World War 1. In late 1915 in what is now known as The Tank Room met engineers and planners with ideas that would revolutionise warfare forever. Not since Leonardo De Vinci’s imaginative sketches had anyone imagined a mobile armoured fighting machine. Let alone one capable of dealing with the stalemate of trenches and mud. The White Hart will be marking 110 years since this historic meeting with a World Origin Plaque later this year.

Brooklands Historic Triple – Three World Firsts
Brooklands will be marking their 120th year in 2027 and will celebrate by unveiling a World Origin Site plaque for the World’s First Purpose Built Motor Racing Circuit. Before that will be plaques for the World’s First Ground to Air Communication, successfully transmitted 110 years ago in 1915 and the World’s First Airline Ticket Office from 1911 when you could be some of the first paying passengers to sample a test flight around the Surrey skies.

Stoke Mandeville Stadium – Birthplace of the Paralympics
Dr. Ludwig Guttmann revolutionised spinal injury rehabilitation after WWII, recognising the benefits of competitive exercise. At Stoke Mandeville Hospital in the UK, he organised an archery competition for wheelchair patients, leading to the first Stoke Mandeville Games in 1948, held in parallel to the London Olympics. The event grew annually, culminating in the first official Paralympic Games in Rome in 1960. The National Paralympic Heritage Trust, based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, preserves this legacy, and the stadium remains the starting point for the Paralympic flame relay. World Origin Site .Org will produce two accreditation plaques, including a trial Braille version.

World Origin Site Joins UK Rail 200 Celebrations
World Origin Site .Org are proud to be part of the UK wide Rail 200 celebrations. There is little remaining of the original Stockton & Darlington Railway but George Stephenson’s famous rail journey is set to be marked with a plaque at both its start and finish points. Richard Starrs from the project team stands where a new memorial park is due to open featuring a World Origin Site plaque as a centre piece.

Plaque Unveiled – 9th November 2024 at Bletchley Park
The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park celebrated 80 years of the Colossus computers. The museum’s reconstructed Colossus is running in the very hut where unit No9 was operational in 1944. These were the World’s First Electronic Digital Computers but were kept top secret for 30 years. Jacqui Garrad, Dr Andrew Herbert OBE, Alan Bealby of PORF and over 70 guests came to see the refurbished museum and the unveiling of World Origin Site plaque 0039 to Accredit this landmark moment in computer development.
Jacaranda Plaque Unveiling – 23rd August 2024

Jacaranda Plaque Unveiling – 23rd August 2024
An estimated 300 people filled the Jacaranda Club and outside on Slater Street in Liverpool to see the unveiling of the World Origin Site plaque 0022 marking the first performance of The Beatles. Guests included Holly Johnson of Frankie Goes to Hollywood plus the Zutons performing live together with friends and family of the band and of their original manager Allan Williams. The plaque is set to become an important new landmark for fans visiting the city where the biggest band in the history of popular music began 64 years ago.

National Inventors Hall of Fame Visit – 2024
Linked to the US Patent Office in Alexandria, Washington DC is the National Inventors Hall of Fame. This innovative and educational museum was founded in 1973 and reaches out to schools, institutions and companies to promote and encourage invention in all spheres.

Plaque Unveiled – 17th July 2024 at Bar Italia, London
The Word’s First Demonstration of Television has just been Accredited as a World Origin Site at Bar Italia in London’s Soho district. Cafe owner Antonio Polledri (left) met with WOS Founder Martin Wilkie to celebrate the new London landmark. Wilkie said “Soho is still a busy centre for the media industry and ensuring that visitors realise that Television started from this humble address is the whole aim of World Origin Site .Org. We use so much technology everyday but seldom realise who, where and when it all began.”
Websites and News articles that World Origin Site have been featured in:
Venue where The Beatles first played honoured with a plaque
The World Origin Site plaque will acknowledge the “hidden gem where the band cut their” before their breakthrough Hamburg tour.
Marconi’s legacy at The Needles recognised with World Origin Site Status
The Needles Attraction site celebrated for its revolutionary wireless communication history.
Needles to be Honoured with World Origin Site for Inaugural Wireless Transmission
The world’s first wireless station – located at The Needles – has been approved and credited with World Origin Site.
Plaque honours landmark venue where ‘the Beatles truly began’
Crowds gathered outside The Jacaranda to watch the unveiling of the plaque the ceremony was followed by surprise performances from the Zutons and Red Rum Club.
Get Plaque! The Liverpool club where The Beatles first played is getting a historical plaque
The historic site of The Beatles first performance is set to be honoured with a plaque from World Origin Site.
Birth of radio marked on IOW
Tuesday (December 5) was the 126th anniversary of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi’s first transmissions from the world’s first permanent wireless station at Alum Bay.

Plaques are Sand Cast

Poured by Hand

Made from Solid Aluminium

Hand Painted 2PP