Modern Nursing

Florence Nightingale

9th July 1860

The Nightingale Training School for Nurses,
St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

“Receiving World Origin Site status would be a great honour”

David Green, Florence Nightingale Museum, London, UK


World Origin Site Nomination

To Nominate a candidate location simply apply on-line. All nominated sites are listed pending verification.

World Origin Site accreditation is judged on the basis of the supporting historical data, society records or expert input supplied.

Our aim is to list as many World Origin Sites as possible so please don’t hesitate as we are interested in every World Origin Site, big or small.


World Origin Site Nomination

To Nominate a candidate location simply apply on-line. All nominated sites are listed pending verification.

World Origin Site accreditation is judged on the basis of the supporting historical data, society records or expert input supplied.

Our aim is to list as many World Origin Sites as possible so please don’t hesitate as we are interested in every World Origin Site, big or small.


Thank you for Nominating your location as a World Origin Site.

In order to process your listing please provide as much information as you can in the form.

Your entry will be listed as ‘Nominated’ on the World Origin Site website until Accredited.

Full Accreditation requires verification by being:
  • The core subject of a National Museum.
  • A registered exhibit with a recognised National or Regional Museum.
  • Supported by an established Company, Venue, Society or Specific Interest group.
Non Museum Nominations must be supported by:
  • Minimum of three independent accounts as : Web Publications, Library Publications or Company / Site Records.
  • Or – Championed by an appropriate expert with a published history within the subject.
Independent applications are very much welcomed – and we can work with you to help establish the validity of any new World Origin Site.


It is based on the information provided by each applicant having enough verifiable information to establish the claim.

This can vary depending upon the amount of information provided.

We will compare the information provided and contact both applicants for further data.

This is up to the individual site. It is intended to help with building awareness of the unique World Origin Site, the invention, discovery or world first and the person/s who made it happen.

A very strong sense of belonging to such a unique collection of sites around the globe. Every site gets either a licensed or freely awarded certification allowing the use of the World Origin Site brand in all publicly and PR for a 12 month period together with an A4 Official Certificate and link to the promotional guide. Translations in key languages are available.

These are an additional cost and licence but we advise checking with your local planning department if you intend to use them on the outside of a building. Translations are available.

Any existing World Heritage Site with a unique claim to fame can apply to also be classified as a World Origin Site but the two organisations are separate.

Yes, we can amend content but the authenticity of all information is the responsibility of the provider.

Yes, we are building a team of World Origin Site Champions that are experts on all manner of Inventions, Discoveries and World Firsts and welcome volunteer participation.

It runs for 12 months from receipt of payment and can be renewed automatically. The use of the World Origin brand cannot be used without a current payment or exemption agreement.

Any site can be Nominated on the website to explore its credentials or receive information from other interested parties. Once a site has enough recorded information about its claim to be a World Origin Site then it will be awarded full Accreditation as a World Origin Site.

We would have to remove Accreditation if a duplicate claim was proven to have occurred earlier. 

Yes, we are an independent heritage initiative not sponsored by or owned by a third party.

Yes, some sites might have multiple or a mix of World Origin Sites, we welcome exploring all Nominations. 

Yes, all World Origin Sites can be accredited irrespective of their other affiliations.

Yes, we can sometimes help fill in the blanks or suggest a World Origin Site Champion with expertise in particular subjects.

No, unlike Blue Plaques that commemorate a person a World Origin Site plaque marks an origin location and can be for recent Inventions, Discoveries or World Firsts.


"*" indicates required fields

Please try to describe this as accurately as possible. “First Powered Manned Flight” not just “First Flight“
ZIP or Postcode
It might be for where an invention was first designed, demonstrated or tested. It might be for a discovery or process. It might be for the location where a company or institution was first formed. It might be for the site where a food was first produced. It might be for an area where a significant community event took place.

NOTE- it is NOT where a person relating to a later achievement was born or lived. It must be the place where their invention, discovery or process first took place.
Not essential at this stage but please submit any copyright free images if you can? Images of the site/location, images of the people involved, images of the item, process or world first.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 4.
    Please add all links to the World Origin Site subject that are already listed in a website, publication, interest group, society or museum. The more you submit the easier it will be to verify World Origin Site status. A minimum of three independent listings are normally required.
    Please include links to any Museum, Institution, Company or Affiliated Body that is linked to or commemorates this World First. They might be at or near the site where it happened. Or mark the event or have the only or earliest example of an item that represents the place where the item or process was first demonstrated.
    Please link us to any appropriate Expert/s in the subject who can help tell us more about the subject of this World Origin Site Nomination.
    Your Name:*

    Tell Us More

    "*" indicates required fields

    Please try to describe this as accurately as possible. “First Powered Manned Flight” not just “First Flight“
    ZIP or Postcode
    It might be for where an invention was first designed, demonstrated or tested. It might be for a discovery or process. It might be for the location where a company or institution was first formed. It might be for the site where a food was first produced. It might be for an area where a significant community event took place.

    NOTE- it is NOT where a person relating to a later achievement was born or lived. It must be the place where their invention, discovery or process first took place.
    Not essential at this stage but please submit any copyright free images if you can? Images of the site/location, images of the people involved, images of the item, process or world first.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Please add all links to the World Origin Site subject that are already listed in a website, publication, interest group, society or museum. The more you submit the easier it will be to verify World Origin Site status. A minimum of three independent listings are normally required.
      Please include links to any Museum, Institution, Company or Affiliated Body that is linked to or commemorates this World First. They might be at or near the site where it happened. Or mark the event or have the only or earliest example of an item that represents the place where the item or process was first demonstrated.
      Please link us to any appropriate Expert/s in the subject who can help tell us more about the subject of this World Origin Site Nomination.
      Your Name:*


      Following several enquiries about important UK Firsts we are implementing two further Accreditation categories.


      A site or geographical area where a particular regional product, food or cultural tradition was established.


      A site within a country where a new global invention was first adopted.

      These Accreditations recognise sites that have helped progress and improve on some of the most significant advances in the modern world.


      Following several enquiries about important UK Firsts we are implementing two further Accreditation categories.


      A site or geographical area where a particular regional product, food or cultural tradition was established.


      A site within a country where a new global invention was first adopted.

      These Accreditations recognise sites that have helped progress and improve on some of the most significant advances in the modern world.